my oc world

Name: Umeko
Age: 19
Gender: nonbinary
Pronouns: she/he/they
Race: japanese
Orientation: lesbian


Umeko is very upbeat and cheerful, finding joy in the little things in life and often entertained just by being alive. Depsite being mute they have quite a lot to say and are very talkative, always finding a way to get what they want heard across. They prefer quiet spaces due to being easily overwhelmed by crowds and noise, and like to spend time in places like the library doing crafts and sewing. They're extremely friendly and try to see the good side in everyone, even those that have hurt them - they're very forgiving and are always giving second chances, perhaps even too many. They're very affectionate and are always expressing how much they love their friends and family.


Umeko often had a hard time in school growing up due to autism, including bullying and harsh punishments from teachers. However, in spite of this she was always a friendly and cheerful soul who loved to try and make friends. When she was 5 years old, she was in a car accident with her parents where she sustained heavy injuries to her throat, leading to a surgery that left her mute afterwards.

When Umeko was 8 her family moved to America and decided to homeschool her to make things easier on her. It took her a great while to adjust to the move, and for a long time she was very overwhelmed by her surroundings. In this time, he discovered fairy kei fashion and it became a huge comfort and joy to him, as well as sewing things related to it.

Umeko met their girlfriend Casper upon going to college, and are currently enjoying life alongside them while taking classes. They're undecided on their major still, but they do know that they're happy to be alive and to be experiencing new friends.

View her gallery here!